Record information about polygraph examinations and other types of truth verification examinations.
Fields |
Examinee | The party who was given the polygraph. |
Type | The type of truth verification examination being performed. |
Requested By | The individual who requested the examination. |
Examined By | The organization and person who administered the polygraph. |
Location | The location where the ploygraph examination takes place. |
Begin Date Time | The date and time the polygraph began. |
End Date Time | The date and time the polygraph ended. |
Cancel Date | The date a polygraph was cancelled. |
Result | The result of the polygraph, e.g Deceptive, Truthful and Inconclusive. |
Rights Waiver | True if waiver of rights was signed. |
Juvenile Waiver | True if a juvenile waiver was signed. |
Restricted | Flag to determine if the polygraph was restricted by certain personnel. |
Details | The details of the polygraph examination. |