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Polygraph Examinations

Record information about polygraph examinations and other types of truth verification examinations.

ExamineeThe party who was given the polygraph.
TypeThe type of truth verification examination being performed.
Requested ByThe individual who requested the examination.
Examined ByThe organization and person who administered the polygraph.
LocationThe location where the ploygraph examination takes place.
Begin Date TimeThe date and time the polygraph began.
End Date TimeThe date and time the polygraph ended.
Cancel DateThe date a polygraph was cancelled.
ResultThe result of the polygraph, e.g Deceptive, Truthful and Inconclusive.
Rights WaiverTrue if waiver of rights was signed.
Juvenile WaiverTrue if a juvenile waiver was signed.
RestrictedFlag to determine if the polygraph was restricted by certain personnel.
DetailsThe details of the polygraph examination.