Financial Records, Mortgages, Insurance
Financial records related to the case.
Fields |
Policy Type | Type of policy. |
Policy Number | Insurance policy number. |
Insurance Description | Description of insurance policy. |
Inception Date | Origination date of policy. |
Expiration Date | Policy expiration date. |
Property Coverage | Dollar amount insurance policy covers for the property. |
Contents Coverage | Dollar amount insurance policy covers for the contents. |
InsuredParty | Insured party. |
Insurance Carrier | Insurance company. |
Case | The case that this policy is related to. |
Type of Loss | Fire, Theft, Flood, etc.. |
Claim Number | Claim number associated with the incident, if applicable. |
Cause of Loss | open text, possibly provided by the adjuster. |
Contents Loss | Dollar amount of contents loss. |
Property Loss | Dollar amount of property loss. |
Adjuster | Insurance adjuster. |
Agent | Insurance agent. |
Roles | List of persons and organizations that are related to the policy. |

Fields |
Loan Type | The type of loan, such as 1st mortgage, 2nd mortgage, vehicle loan, line of credit. |
Loan Number | Unique number identifying the financial obligation. |
Loan Description | Short description of the financial obligation. |
Loan Date | Begin date of the financial obligation. |
Borrower | The borrowing party for the financial obligation. |
Loan Amount | Principle amount of the financial obligation. |
Term | Term for the financial obligation. |
Lender | The financial institution underwriting the financial obligation. |
Interest Rate | The interest rate for the financial obligation. |
Monthly Payment | Monthly payment amount for the financial obligation. |
Loan Status | The status of the loan, eg. current, delinquent, etc. |
Subsidized | Flag to determine if the financial obligation is government subsidized. |