Details about a criminal or non-criminal activity that occurred to which a reponse was neccessary, and
details about the response by an official unit.
Incident |
Address | The address or location in which the incident ocurred. |
Request DateTime | A date and time the service call was received by a dispatcher. |
Arrival DateTime | A date and time a response unit arrived at the scene designated by a call for service. |
Clear DateTime | A time when a response unit cleared or left the scene designated by a call for service. |
Dispatcher | A person who determines the course of action to be taken in response to a call for service and sends out appropriate response units as necessary. |
Incident Number | A unique incident number for the incident. |
Incident DateTime | Date and time of the incident.This should be the same as the Request or Alarm DateTime. |
Incident Type | A code describing a specific kind of incident. |
Offense Category | The UCR Offense category for the incident, such as ARSON, ROBBERY, MURDER, SIMPLE ASSUALT, RAPE, ETC. |
Occupancy Type | NFIRS occupancy type from the dropdown list. |
Incident Official | The incident official that the investigator spoke with when arriving at the scene. |
Total Loss | The total value loss of property in the incident. |
Victims | Number of victims. |
Offenders | Number of offenders. |
Reported By | A person who originates the call or places a call for service to a dispatcher, e.g Reporter of Incident. |
Responding Agency | The law enforcement unit assigned to respond to the service call. |
Assist Agency | A law enforcement unit that assists the Assigned Unit or reponding agency in handling a call for service. |
Details | A long description of the incident. |
Scene |
Scene Condition | The condition of the scene, eg. unaltered, altered, disturbed, or even destroyed. |
Secured By | The law enforcement official who secured the scene. |
Entry Method | The method of entry of the crime scene. |
Exit Method | The method of exit of the crime scene. |
Scene Description | Scene description or Initial observations of the investigator when he/she arrives on the scene. |
Weather |
Temperature | The temperature in degrees. |
Wind Speed | The wind speed. |
Direction | The direction of the wind. |
Humidity | The humidity level. |
Visibility | Description of the visibility conditions. |
Lighting | The type of lighting available, eg. Natural, Artificial. |
Precipitation | Description of the precipitation, if any. |
Conditions | Weather conditions, select from a dropdown. |
Date Time | The date and time the weather information was recorded. |