Evidence, Lab Analysis, Chain of Custody & Evidence Storage
Details about items legally received by or submitted to an agency for use in ascertaining the truth of a matter.
This includes items such as test reports, fingerprints, body parts, etc. and items considered "physical evidence."

Fields |
Evidence Name | A name for the piece of evidence. |
Item Number | The evidence item number |
ContainerNumber | The bag or container number of in which the evidence is held. |
Case | The case that this piece of evidence is related to. |
Property Item | The property item that was submitted as evidence. |
Collection Date / Time | The date and time of when the evidence was collected. |
Collected By | The party that collected the eveidence from the scene. |
Location Collected | The location where the evidence was collected. |
Disposition | A code that identifies what happened to the piece of evidence, eg. Destroyed, In Storage, Returned To Owner. |
Storage Location | The location where this evidence is being stored, for example a locker or storage unit number. |
Descripiton | Description of the piece of evidence. |
Lab Tests | List of tests performed on the piece of evidence. |
Transfers | List of transfers of custody of the piece of evidence. |
Images | List of photos taken of the piece of evidence, or that are related to the evidence somehow. |
File Attachments | List of attached files. |

Fields |
Lab Exhibit Number | The lab exhibit number assigned to the piece of evidence, which can be different than the agency's item or exhibit number. |
Lab Case Number | The case number assigned to a piece of evidence when it is tested. |
Tested By | The party that tested the biometric sample, such as a lab. |
Tested By | The party that tested the biometric sample, such as a lab. |
Lab Test Date | A date and time the biometric sample was tested. |
Test Method | A method used to test a biometric sample. |
Lab Analysis | An analysis of a biometric sample. |
Fields |
Transfer Date Time | Date and time of the evidence transfer. |
Transfer From | Who the evidence was transferred From. |
Transfer To | Who the evidence was transferred To. |
Comment | Comment for the transfer. |
Reference Number | A unique number or text that identifies the evidence transfer. |