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Structure Examinations, Vehicle Examinations & K9 Examinations

Examinations performed by investigating officers during the course of an investigation. Includes vehicle examinations, structure examinations, examinations of wildland fires, and examinations performed by K9 officers.

Exam Date TimeThe date and time of the vehicle examination.
Performed ByThe offical who conducted the vehicle examination.
Location of ExamThe location of the vehicle when examined.
VehicleThe vehicle being examined.
Vehicle RegistrationDetails about the vehicle registration, such as the license plate number.
ExposureCheck if the vehicle is considered an exposure to a fire rather than an origin.
Vehicle OperatorThe person operating the vehicle at the time of the incident.
Vehicle DamageDegree of damage to the vehicle in the incident, such as Extensive, Heavy, Moderate
CommentAdditional comments about the examination.
OwnersThe owner(s) of the vehicle.
OccupantsThe occupant(s) of the vehicle.
Vehicle StatusOne or more statuses of a vehicle that was involved within the incident. For example, occupied, operational, stolen, abandoned, secured, lost, damaged, seized, recovered, towed, returned to owner, etc.
TiresDetails about the tires.
DoorsDetails about the doors.
Body PanelsDetails about the body panels.
InteriorDetails about the interior.
FloorDetails about the floorpanels.
TrunkDetails about the trunk or cargo area.
EngineDetails about what is under the hood, for example, the engine.
FluidsDetails about the fluids.
AftermarketDetails about the aftermarket parts.
Structure NameGeneral descriptive title for structure.
Structure TypeA code that identifies a type of structure.
Building StatusStatus of the building at the time of the incident such as Under Construction, Vacant, Occupied, etc.
Forced EntryIndicates if the entry appears to have been forced.
StructureDamageDegree of damage to the Structure in the incident, such as Extensive, Heavy, Moderate
Above GradeNumber of floors above grade.
Below GradeNumber of floors below grade.
DimensionsPhysical length x width dimensions of the structure.
Square FeetSquare footage of the structure.
ExposureCheck if the structure is considered an exposure to a fire rather than an origin.
CommentAdditional comments about the examination.
Construction TypeThe construction type of the structure.
Foundation TypeThe type of foundation that the structure was built on.
Roof TypeThe type of roof that the structure has, eg. angled, flat.
Roof MaterialThe material that the roof of the structure is made of.
Door StatusThe status of the door(s) of the structure at the time of the examination, eg. Open, Closed.
Window StatusThe status of the window(s) of the structure at the time of the examination.
Interior FinishThe finish of the interior of the structure.
Exterior FinishThe finish of the exterior of the structure.
Basement DimensionsLength x width dimensions of the structure’s basement (if applies).
Garage DimensionsLength x width dimensions of the structure’s attached garage (if applies).
OwnersThe owner(s) of the structure.
OccupantsThe occupant(s) of the structure.
SystemsList of utilities, fire detection systems, alarm systems, sprinkler systems, and other structure related systems.
Type of System or UtilityType of system or utility, such as gas, electric, water, alarm, sprinkler, etc.
SubTypeThe sub type of system or utility, for example, a gas utility would include, natural gas, propane, fuel oil, etc.
StatusThe status of the system or utility, such as on, off, yes - not working, yes - working, etc.
Service Provider/ManufacturerThe party that provides service for this system.
CommentSimple comment.
Area TypeThe type of area in which the wildfire occurred.
Property ManagementType of property management for this parcel of land.
Fuel ModelBased on National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS).
Relative PositionRelative position, such as mid slope, ridge top, valley bottom, etc.
AspectAspect is the direction the slope faces.
Fuel Moisture %Enter the fuel moisture in a percentage.
Fire Danger RatingEnter the fire danger rating at time of incident.
InvolvedEnter number of buildings ignited.
ThreatenedEnter number of buildings threatened.
Total Acres BurnedEnter number of acres burned during incident.
ElevationEnter the elevation at fire origin.
Flame LengthLength of flame.
Rate of SpreadEnter rate of spread in a measure of chains per hour.
CommentAdditional comments about the examination.
ExposureCheck if the wildland is considered an exposure to a fire rather than an origin.
K9 Exam
TypeThe type of K9 examination being performed.
AlertsTh number of alerts indicated by the K9 officer.
Exam Date TimeThe date and time of the K9 exam.
SamplesThe number of samples collected during the K9 exam.
LocationThe location that was examined.
CanineThe canine that did the work.
Canine HandlerThe person who performed the K9 exam. This could be a person using their K9 or another agency's K9.
K9 AssistIndicates a K9 assist of another investigation.
TemperatureThe temperature in degrees.
Wind SpeedThe wind speed.
DirectionThe direction of the wind.
HumidityThe humidity level.
VisibilityDescription of the visibility conditions.
LightingThe type of lighting available, eg. Natural, Artificial.
PrecipitationDescription of the precipitation, if any.
ConditionsWeather conditions, select from a dropdown.
Date TimeThe date and time the weather information was recorded.
DetailsThe details in narrative format for the K9 exam.