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Person Records (Master)

NamePerson first name.
Last NamePerson last name.
Middle NamePerson middle name.
SuffixPerson name suffix, such as Jr.
EmployerName of the organization or employer for the person.
TitlePerson's title or job title.
GenderThe gender of a person.
AliasNickname(s) for the person.
SSNA 9-digit numeric identifier assigned to a living person by the U.S. Social Security Administration. A social security number of a person. Sometimes referred to as a SSN.
DL NumberA string that identifies a license, certification, or registration of a person for some purpose; may be granted to certify professional occupation or skill, e.g., medical license, pilot license, professional engineer.
FBI NumberA number issued by the FBI's Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) based on submitted fingerprints.
State IDA number issued by a state Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) based on submitted fingerprints. Sometimes referred to as a State ID number or a SID.
AFIS NumberA number issued by a local agency (county) Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) based on submitted fingerprints.
DescriptionShort description of the person.
Lookup PicturePicture of the person.
DOBDate of birth.
Est. AgeAn estimnate of the person's age if the date of birth is not known.
HeightHeight of the person in 3 digit format.
WeightWeight of the person.
HairHair color of the person.
EyesEye color of the person.
RaceRace of the person (e.g Caucasian, Hispanic, etc.)
Facial HairA type of facial hair a person has.
ComplexionAn appearance of a person's skin, e.g., clear, freckled, wrinkled.
Speech TypeA description of any impediments that affect a person's speech, e.g., stutter, cleft palate.
BuildA person's physique or shape.
Marks, Scars, TattoosDetails about any identifying markings that the person has on their body.
Marital StatusThe marital status of the person, such as single, married, etc.
ReligionA religious type that a person associates with, such as Catholic, Christian, Baptist, Jewish, Muslim,etc.
EthnicityEthnicity of the person.
CitizenshipThe status of citizenship, for example, citizen, non citizen, visa, etc.
EyewearThe type of eyewear a person has, such as glasses, contacts, etc.
Blood TypeThe type of blood the person has, such as A, AB, B, O, Unknown.
Street #Street number portion of the address.
DirectionStreet direction portion of the address (North, South, East, West).
StreetThe name of the street, intersection, road or highway for the address.
Suite/Apt.The suite or apt. number used at this address.
CityThe City for the address.
StateThe State for the address.
ZipZip code or postal code for the address.
CountryCountry in which the address resides.
EmailE-mail address.
WebsiteWebsite address.
Home PhoneHome phone number.
Work PhoneWork phone number.
Cell PhoneMobile phone number.
FaxFax number.
AffiliationsType(s) of groups that the person is known to be affiliated with.
Employment HistoryHistory of the person's employement.
ImagesList of photos taken of the person, or that are related to the person somehow.
RelationshipsList of persons and organizations that are associated with the person in some way.
Person NameThe person that holds employment.
EmployerThe employer organization.
Job TitleThe employee job title.
Hire DateThe date the Employee was hired.
End DateThe ending date of the employement.