Define the steps in the approval process for the review of a record and submitting that record to
another team member, whether its a supervisor or a manager. By default this is a two step process;
the record is submitted, then approved; but multi-step processes are possible.

Fields |
Action | The action taken by the user to get this status, e.g., submit, approve, reject. |
Result | The resulting status of the record, e.g., submitted, approved, denied. |
Sequence | A number indicating what stage of the approval process this action is available. A value of 1 indicates that it is available for records that do not yet have an approval status. |
Next Sequence | A number indicating what stage of the approval process the corresponding record will be in as a result of this action. A value of zero indicates that this is final stage. |
Creates Signature | Indicates whether this action will cause a digital signature to be displayed in the page footer of the report that the record is displayed on. |
Creates Lock | Indicates whether this action will cause the record to locked. |
Signature Text | The text that is displayed below the signature line for this action in the page footer of the report, if applicable. |