Fields |
Type of Court Order | The type of court order, such as a warrant, subpoena, order of protection, etc. |
Court Order # | A number used to track a court order. |
Issued For Party | A person to which a court order applies. This can be a Party, the recipient of a Summons or Subpoena, the subject of a Warrant, etc. |
Statute | A unique identifier of a law, rule, or ordinance within a jurisdiction that a person is accused of violating. |
Issue DateTime | A date a court order was issued by a judicial official. |
Issued By PersonId | The judge that has issued the court order. This could be a visiting judge, so the court and the judge are seperate fields. |
Request Date Time | A date a court order was requested. |
RequestedByPersonId | A person or organization which requested a court order. |
Request Reason | A reason why a court order was requested. |
Case | The case that this court order is related to |
Cautionary | A caution, warning, or risk advisement given as an alert to an official servicing a court order. |
Sealed | Flag to signify if the court order is a public document or to be sealed between the investigator and the courts. |
Condition Text | A condition described in a court order that is to be followed by a subject. |
Instruction Text | A description of inclusions and/or constraints of a court order. Like extradition limitation or whether an arrest or a search warrant may be served at a subject's residence between sunrise and sunset |
Address | An address that the court order should be delivered to. |
Delivery Restriction | A restriction or limitation on how a court order can be delivered. |
Delivered By | An official who delivered a court order. |
Execution Date Time | A date a court order was delivered or executed. |
Recall Reason | A reason a court order was recalled or rescinded. |
Recall Date Time | A date a court order was recalled or rescinded. |