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Organization Records (Master)

Organization NameOrganization name or DBA.
OrganizationTypeType of organization, such as an informal or formal group.
TaxIdNumberFederal Tax Id number filed with the IRS. An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a federal tax identification number, and is used to identify a business entity.
Industry TypeIndustry that the organization is primarily involved in.
Num Of EmployeesEstimated number of employees of the organization.
Ownership TypeType of ownership of the organization, if any (S Corp, C Corp, LLC, Partnership).
Annual RevenueEstimated annual revenue of the organization.
DescriptionShort description of the organization.
Lookup PicturePicture of the organization.
Street #Street number portion of the address.
DirectionStreet direction portion of the address (North, South, East, West).
StreetThe name of the street, intersection, road or highway for the address.
Suite/Apt.The suite or apt. number used at this address.
CityThe City for the address.
StateThe State for the address.
ZipZip code or postal code for the address.
CountryCountry in which the address resides.
WebsiteWebsite address.
PhonePrimary phone number.
Alternate PhoneAlternate phone number.
FaxFax number.
ContactsContact persons at the organization.
BranchesBranch offices or divisions of the organization.
RolesList of persons and organizations that are associated with the organization in some way.