A tangible or intangible item that can be owned or used.

Fields |
Property Type | The type of real property, such as vehicle, real estate, firearm, bicycle, money, merchandise, electronics, etc. |
Incident | The related incident record. |
Owner | The party that is an owner of the property. |
Property Name | Name to identify the property. A tangible or intangible item that can be owned or used. |
Property Value | The current dollar value amount of this property item. |
Quantity | The qty of this item at the incident. |
Manufacturer | The name of the manufacturer of the property item. |
Serial Number | A number showing the position of an item in a series, used for the purposes of identification. |
Model | A specific design or type of product made by a manufacturer. |
Lot Number | A number frequently used by manufacturers and customers to identify a specific product or shipment. |
Color | The primary color of the vehicle. |
Weight | The weight of the property item. |
Dimensions | The physical dimensions of the property item. |
Property Description | A description of a property item. |
Disposition | A code that identifies what happened to a property item, e.g., towed, released, seized, unrecoverable, missing, stolen. |
Disposition Details | A description of the disposition of the property item. |